Monday, November 19, 2012


What Jeffry Does

It was love at first sight.  Jeffry knew from the moment he read the job description that this was what he wanted to do with his life.
Six months ago he had, at last, earned his Phd. in Paleoanthropology.  His position at Harvard's Wilson Biological Laboratory had enabled him to study coprolites, an area of study with relatively few specialists.  Jeffry had dreams of becoming the foremost expert in his field.  Every day found him happily squinting into the microscope on his desk, analyzing yet another fossil specimen.


Sadie Pooman was on the phone with her dear friend Becky Goldfinder.  Each was bragging to the other about the marvelous successes of their sons.
“My Marvin told me last night that he's now earning in the mid six figures.” Becky confided.  “What a wonderful place Wall Street must be!”
“That is wonderful,” agreed Sadie,  “Next you've got to get him married.”
“I'm working on it.  I just can't seem to find a girl that's good enough.  Then Becky changed the subject.
“You know Sadie, I don't quite understand exactly what Jeffry does.”
“He does biology,” answered Sadie. “I'm not sure I understand it exactly either.  These Phd.s are so deep.  He's coming home today for the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm going to have him explain it to me in detail at dinner tonight.  As a matter of fact, I expect him any minute.”
“Well, take notes Sadie.  I have to understand it too.”
Ring! Ring!
“Oops.  There's the doorbell,  Becky.  I'll call you soon. Bye.”


Dinner was everything Jeffry expected.  His mother had stuffed him with what she considered to be his favorite foods – Swedish meatballs, macaroni and cheese, and rice pudding – three dishes he could happily do without.  He was belching softly to himself,  trying to overcome his gastric distress when she began.
“Jeffry darling, I don't understand what you do.  Can you explain it to me in detail?”  Sadie had a pencil and paper at the ready.
“ I do biology, mom.  I'm a research scientist.”
“That's nice dear, but what does a research scientist do?”
“He does research in science, mom.”
“No. I mean exactly. How do you spend your day.  How do you do research in science.  When do you get to earn the big bucks?”
“I may never get the big bucks, mom.  But I get really big satisfaction.”
“Satisfaction don't pay the rent, honey.”  Sadie grumbled.  “Get practical!  Go for the big bucks!”
“Fine, mom,” he answered, kissing her on the forehead.
“But you haven't described your work.  What exactly do you do?”
“I examine coprolites mom. Every day I examine coprolites.”
“Now we're getting someplace,” exulted Sadie.  “What's a coprolite.”
“Are you sure you really want to know, mom?”
“Of course I'm sure!  Tell me! Tell me!”
“It's fossilized poop, mom.”
“Fossilized what?”
“It's really old old poop, mom”
Sadie fell back in her chair.  She struggled to breathe. “Do you mean to tell me all those years of graduate school, all those dollars on education, were all spent so you could play with poop every day?”
“Mom, it's not like that. What I do is important. I love doing it.”
“Owwwwah!” wailed Sadie. “What am I going to tell Becky Goldfinder”

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